docwhat's avatardocwhat's blog

New Look (2)

Every so often, I get bored with my theme. I notice usability issues, things I wished I did differently, etc. and I want to play with new technologies like HTML5, CSS3.

I had been using Thematic which is very nice. It has good semantic markup as well as other nice features. But it isn’t HTML5 and I wanted HTML5.

I tried several themes just to play around, and then found a theme that combined boilerplate, HTML5, compass and sass. Unfortunately, it didn’t really do everything I wanted. I also lost the URL for the GitHub project. sigh. But I hadn’t seen compass nor sass before (or if I had, it was only in passing). This was really cool stuff. I started playing with and deciding I really wanted to use it.

I like my green color and it is a pain to write the color in everyplace. But compass lets me assign the color to a variable $hero-color, and to then alter it by doing things like darken($hero-color, 30%). It also has a saner form of nesting so I can DRY up my CSS.

In addition, compass has mixins so I don’t have to repeat border-radius multiple times to support different browsers. As well as grid support via blueprint support.

I also took the opportunity to manage my wordpress site via Rake and Capistrano. Normally, I’d blog about how I did it, but capifying my wordpress blog was harder than I would have hoped. You can view my Capfile if you want, but you may need a handful of aspirin.

I also made my theme compatible with mobile devices. Previously I used WPTouch. I wasn’t very fond of it because it looked completely different from my site and I don’t think it actually added anything. But my previous theme looked horrible on mobile devices.

I’d love to hear any feedback. And of course, I’ll answer any questions you might have.


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